A representation of Exodus 17:6, which adheres to a respectful and devotional tone towards Christianity. The scene depicts a large, jagged rock in a desert landscape, with a stream of water miraculously flowing out from it, while onlookers watch in awe. Design follows a surrealistic approach with exaggerated details and vibrant colors reminiscent of artistic styles before 1912, similar to those seen in religious stained glass art of the Gothic period. Please remember not to use any textual elements in the visual.
Exodus 17:6
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Exodus 14: 21
Exodus 17:6
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
exodus 1:11,12,12
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 15:23
Exodus 3:14
Exodus 15:21
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 40:9
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 24:4
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 2:9
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 2:9
Exodus 14:13
Exodus 14:13