The narrow gate and wide gate according to Matthew

Create a detailed watercolor-style image illustrating the parable of the narrow and wide gates, as described in the book of Matthew in the Bible. Don't include any text or words. The gates should be clearly distinct, with the wide gate appearing easy, comfortable, and inviting, whereas the narrow gate should appear challenging and less appealing. However, make it evident through the image composition that the journey through the narrow gate, despite its challenges, leads to a beautiful, heavenly destination, while the wide gate, though seemingly attractive, leads to a less desirable place. Ensure that the image is respectful and honours the essence of Christianity.

Create a detailed watercolor-style image illustrating the parable of the narrow and wide gates, as described in the book of Matthew in the Bible. Don't include any text or words. The gates should be clearly distinct, with the wide gate appearing easy, comfortable, and inviting, whereas the narrow gate should appear challenging and less appealing. However, make it evident through the image composition that the journey through the narrow gate, despite its challenges, leads to a beautiful, heavenly destination, while the wide gate, though seemingly attractive, leads to a less desirable place. Ensure that the image is respectful and honours the essence of Christianity.

The narrow gate and wide gate according to Matthew

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