What does 1 Chronicles 1:32 mean?

"¶ Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan." - 1 Chronicles 1:32

1 Chronicles 1:32 - "¶ Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan."

1 Chronicles 1:32 - "¶ Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan."

The Bible verse 1 Chronicles 1:32 from the King James Version reads: "Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan."

This verse is found in the book of 1 Chronicles, which is part of the Old Testament. It is a historical record of the lineage of the Israelites, tracing their ancestry from Adam to David. The passage itself is part of a long genealogy that lists the descendants of Abraham through his wife Sarah and through his concubine Keturah. It specifically focuses on the descendants of Keturah's son Jokshan.

The passage serves as a reminder of the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. It also underscores the importance of family lineage and heritage in the Jewish tradition. Furthermore, it provides historical context for the lineage of certain ancient nations and tribes, which can have significance in understanding the broader cultural and historical context of the Bible.

One of the key themes present in this verse is the fulfillment of God's promises. Throughout the Bible, God makes various promises to His people, and this verse serves as a reminder that God is faithful and true to His word. In the case of Abraham, God promised him that he would be the father of many nations, and through his descendants, the world would be blessed. The genealogy presented in 1 Chronicles 1:32 demonstrates how God fulfilled this promise by multiplying Abraham's descendants through his sons with Keturah.

Another theme that can be derived from this verse is the importance of family and lineage. In ancient Jewish culture, lineage was of utmost importance, as it determined one's inheritance, social standing, and religious identity. This genealogy not only serves as a historical record but also emphasizes the significance of one's ancestry, particularly in relation to the covenant relationship between God and His people.

Symbolism can also be found in this verse, particularly in the names of the descendants. For example, the name "Midian" has significance, as the Midianites were a nomadic tribe that played a significant role in the history of Israel. They were the descendants of Abraham through Keturah and were known for their interactions with Moses and the Israelites in the Exodus story. The mention of the descendants of Keturah serves as a reminder of the diverse and far-reaching impact of Abraham's lineage and the fulfillment of God's promise to him.

In conclusion, 1 Chronicles 1:32, while appearing as a simple genealogical record, holds deeper meaning within the broader context of the Bible. It serves as a testament to God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, the importance of family lineage and heritage, and the far-reaching impact of the descendants of Abraham. Understanding the historical and cultural context of this verse can help us appreciate its significance within the larger narrative of God's plan for His people.

1 Chronicles 1:32 Artwork

1 Chronicles 1:32 - "¶ Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan."

1 Chronicles 1:32 - "¶ Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. And the sons of Jokshan; Sheba, and Dedan."

1 Chronicles 11:32 - "Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,"

1 Chronicles 11:32 - "Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,"

1 Chronicles 7:32 - "And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister."

1 Chronicles 7:32 - "And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister."

1 Chronicles 4:32 - "And their villages were, Etam, and Ain, Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan, five cities:"

1 Chronicles 4:32 - "And their villages were, Etam, and Ain, Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan, five cities:"

1 Chronicles 9:32 - "And other of their brethren, of the sons of the Kohathites, were over the shewbread, to prepare it every sabbath."

1 Chronicles 9:32 - "And other of their brethren, of the sons of the Kohathites, were over the shewbread, to prepare it every sabbath."

1 Chronicles 16:32 - "Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein."

1 Chronicles 16:32 - "Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein."

1 Chronicles 8:32 - "And Mikloth begat Shimeah. And these also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, over against them."

1 Chronicles 8:32 - "And Mikloth begat Shimeah. And these also dwelt with their brethren in Jerusalem, over against them."

1 Chronicles 2:32 - "And the sons of Jada the brother of Shammai; Jether, and Jonathan: and Jether died without children."

1 Chronicles 2:32 - "And the sons of Jada the brother of Shammai; Jether, and Jonathan: and Jether died without children."

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

Luke 1:32

1 Chronicles 1:1 - "Adam, Sheth, Enosh,"

1 Chronicles 1:1 - "Adam, Sheth, Enosh,"

1 Chronicles 27:32 - "Also Jonathan David's uncle was a counsellor, a wise man, and a scribe: and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was with the king's sons:"

1 Chronicles 27:32 - "Also Jonathan David's uncle was a counsellor, a wise man, and a scribe: and Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was with the king's sons:"

1 Chronicles 1:3 - "Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech,"

1 Chronicles 1:3 - "Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech,"

1 Chronicles 1:2 - "Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered,"

1 Chronicles 1:2 - "Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered,"

1 Chronicles 1:24 - "¶ Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah,"

1 Chronicles 1:24 - "¶ Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah,"

1 Chronicles 23:32 - "And that they should keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the holy place, and the charge of the sons of Aaron their brethren, in the service of the house of the LORD."

1 Chronicles 23:32 - "And that they should keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation, and the charge of the holy place, and the charge of the sons of Aaron their brethren, in the service of the house of the LORD."

1 Chronicles 1:25 - "Eber, Peleg, Reu,"

1 Chronicles 1:25 - "Eber, Peleg, Reu,"

1 Chronicles 1:26 - "Serug, Nahor, Terah,"

1 Chronicles 1:26 - "Serug, Nahor, Terah,"

1 Chronicles 1:27 - "Abram; the same is Abraham."

1 Chronicles 1:27 - "Abram; the same is Abraham."

1 Chronicles 1:4 - "Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth."

1 Chronicles 1:4 - "Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth."

1 Chronicles 1:52 - "Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon,"

1 Chronicles 1:52 - "Duke Aholibamah, duke Elah, duke Pinon,"

1 Chronicles 6:32 - "And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the LORD in Jerusalem: and then they waited on their office according to their order."

1 Chronicles 6:32 - "And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the LORD in Jerusalem: and then they waited on their office according to their order."

2 Chronicles 32:1 - "After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself."

2 Chronicles 32:1 - "After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself."

1 Chronicles 1:22 - "And Ebal, and Abimael, and Sheba,"

1 Chronicles 1:22 - "And Ebal, and Abimael, and Sheba,"

1 Chronicles 1:30 - "Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, Hadad, and Tema,"

1 Chronicles 1:30 - "Mishma, and Dumah, Massa, Hadad, and Tema,"

1 Chronicles 1:21 - "Hadoram also, and Uzal, and Diklah,"

1 Chronicles 1:21 - "Hadoram also, and Uzal, and Diklah,"