What does 1 Chronicles 7:18 mean?

"And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah." - 1 Chronicles 7:18

1 Chronicles 7:18 - "And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah."

1 Chronicles 7:18 - "And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah."

1 Chronicles 7:18 (KJV) reads, "And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah." At first glance, this verse may seem insignificant and easily overlooked, but upon closer examination, it reveals deeper themes of family, identity, and the unfolding of God's plan.

This verse is a part of the genealogy of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Throughout the Bible, genealogies are used to trace the lineage of important figures and to establish the historical and cultural context of the people of Israel. In this particular verse, we see the mention of a woman, Hammoleketh, who bore three sons: Ishod, Abiezer, and Mahalah. While it may be easy to overlook the significance of this verse, it is important to acknowledge the role of women in the genealogies of the Bible. Women often play a crucial role in the unfolding of God's plan, and even though their names may be less prominent, their contributions are integral to the larger narrative.

The mention of Hammoleketh and her children also speaks to the theme of identity and lineage. In ancient Israel, one's lineage was of utmost importance, as it determined one's social standing, inheritance, and tribal affiliation. This verse serves as a reminder of the intricate web of familial relationships that make up the history of Israel. Each individual mentioned in the genealogy has a unique identity and a role to play in the larger story of God's plan for his people.

Furthermore, this verse highlights the concept of God's sovereignty and providence. Every individual mentioned in the genealogy has a place in God's plan, and their existence serves a purpose in the unfolding of history. This idea is reinforced throughout the Bible, as God works through the lives of ordinary people to accomplish his divine purposes. This verse in 1 Chronicles serves as a subtle reminder of this overarching theme, demonstrating that even the seemingly mundane details of genealogies are part of God's grand design.

Symbolically, the names mentioned in this verse also hold meaning. In Hebrew culture, names often carried significant symbolism and meaning. Ishod, for example, means "man of desolation" or "man of ruin," which may reflect the struggles or hardships that the individual faced. Abiezer means "my father is help," a name that reflects dependence on and trust in God for assistance. Mahalah means "sickness" or "wound," which could symbolize the trials and challenges that the individual may have faced.

The context of this verse within the larger narrative of the Israelite tribes demonstrates the importance of remembering and honoring the past. The genealogies serve as a reminder of the faithfulness of God throughout generations, as well as a testament to the continuity and endurance of the people of Israel. By tracing their lineage back to the patriarchs and matriarchs, the Israelites were able to connect with their heritage and maintain a sense of identity and belonging.

In conclusion, 1 Chronicles 7:18 may appear to be a simple listing of names, but it serves as a testament to the significance of each individual within the larger narrative of God's plan for his people. Through the themes of family, identity, providence, and symbolism, this verse conveys the intricate and purposeful nature of God's design for his people. It encourages us to recognize the value of every individual within the broader context of history and to remember the faithfulness of God throughout generations.

1 Chronicles 7:18 Artwork

1 Chronicles 7:18 - "And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah."

1 Chronicles 7:18 - "And his sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and Abiezer, and Mahalah."

1 Chronicles 18:7 - "And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem."

1 Chronicles 18:7 - "And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem."

1 Chronicles 7:27 - "Non his son, Jehoshua his son."

1 Chronicles 7:27 - "Non his son, Jehoshua his son."

1 Chronicles 1:18 - "And Arphaxad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat Eber."

1 Chronicles 1:18 - "And Arphaxad begat Shelah, and Shelah begat Eber."

1 Chronicles 23:18 - "Of the sons of Izhar; Shelomith the chief."

1 Chronicles 23:18 - "Of the sons of Izhar; Shelomith the chief."

1 Chronicles 14:7 - "And Elishama, and Beeliada, and Eliphalet."

1 Chronicles 14:7 - "And Elishama, and Beeliada, and Eliphalet."

1 Chronicles 3:7 - "And Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia,"

1 Chronicles 3:7 - "And Nogah, and Nepheg, and Japhia,"

1 Chronicles 1:7 - "And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim."

1 Chronicles 1:7 - "And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim."

1 Chronicles 7:26 - "Laadan his son, Ammihud his son, Elishama his son,"

1 Chronicles 7:26 - "Laadan his son, Ammihud his son, Elishama his son,"

1 Chronicles 24:18 - "The three and twentieth to Delaiah, the four and twentieth to Maaziah."

1 Chronicles 24:18 - "The three and twentieth to Delaiah, the four and twentieth to Maaziah."

1 Chronicles 26:18 - "At Parbar westward, four at the causeway, and two at Parbar."

1 Chronicles 26:18 - "At Parbar westward, four at the causeway, and two at Parbar."

1 Chronicles 7:39 - "And the sons of Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, and Rezia."

1 Chronicles 7:39 - "And the sons of Ulla; Arah, and Haniel, and Rezia."

1 Chronicles 7:38 - "And the sons of Jether; Jephunneh, and Pispah, and Ara."

1 Chronicles 7:38 - "And the sons of Jether; Jephunneh, and Pispah, and Ara."

1 Chronicles 7:6 - "¶ The sons of Benjamin; Bela, and Becher, and Jediael, three."

1 Chronicles 7:6 - "¶ The sons of Benjamin; Bela, and Becher, and Jediael, three."

1 Chronicles 8:18 - "Ishmerai also, and Jezliah, and Jobab, the sons of Elpaal;"

1 Chronicles 8:18 - "Ishmerai also, and Jezliah, and Jobab, the sons of Elpaal;"

1 Chronicles 23:7 - "¶ Of the Gershonites were, Laadan, and Shimei."

1 Chronicles 23:7 - "¶ Of the Gershonites were, Laadan, and Shimei."

1 Chronicles 12:7 - "And Joelah, and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham of Gedor."

1 Chronicles 12:7 - "And Joelah, and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham of Gedor."

1 Chronicles 7:34 - "And the sons of Shamer; Ahi, and Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram."

1 Chronicles 7:34 - "And the sons of Shamer; Ahi, and Rohgah, Jehubbah, and Aram."

1 Chronicles 6:18 - "And the sons of Kohath were, Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel."

1 Chronicles 6:18 - "And the sons of Kohath were, Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel."

1 Chronicles 7:37 - "Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and Shilshah, and Ithran, and Beera."

1 Chronicles 7:37 - "Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and Shilshah, and Ithran, and Beera."

1 Chronicles 3:18 - "Malchiram also, and Pedaiah, and Shenazar, Jecamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah."

1 Chronicles 3:18 - "Malchiram also, and Pedaiah, and Shenazar, Jecamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah."

2 Chronicles 7:18 - "Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel."

2 Chronicles 7:18 - "Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel."

1 Chronicles 7:32 - "And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister."

1 Chronicles 7:32 - "And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister."

1 Chronicles 4:7 - "And the sons of Helah were, Zereth, and Jezoar, and Ethnan."

1 Chronicles 4:7 - "And the sons of Helah were, Zereth, and Jezoar, and Ethnan."

1 Chronicles 6:7 - "Meraioth begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub,"

1 Chronicles 6:7 - "Meraioth begat Amariah, and Amariah begat Ahitub,"

1 Chronicles 7:1 - "Now the sons of Issachar were, Tola, and Puah, Jashub, and Shimron, four."

1 Chronicles 7:1 - "Now the sons of Issachar were, Tola, and Puah, Jashub, and Shimron, four."

1 Chronicles 7:36 - "The sons of Zophah; Suah, and Harnepher, and Shual, and Beri, and Imrah,"

1 Chronicles 7:36 - "The sons of Zophah; Suah, and Harnepher, and Shual, and Beri, and Imrah,"

1 Chronicles 7:19 - "And the sons of Shemidah were, Ahian, and Shechem, and Likhi, and Aniam."

1 Chronicles 7:19 - "And the sons of Shemidah were, Ahian, and Shechem, and Likhi, and Aniam."

1 Chronicles 7:31 - "And the sons of Beriah; Heber, and Malchiel, who is the father of Birzavith."

1 Chronicles 7:31 - "And the sons of Beriah; Heber, and Malchiel, who is the father of Birzavith."

1 Chronicles 21:7 - "And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel."

1 Chronicles 21:7 - "And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel."