What does 1 Kings 22:29 mean?

"So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead." - 1 Kings 22:29

1 Kings 22:29 - "So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead."

1 Kings 22:29 - "So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead."

1 Kings 22:29 (KJV) states, "So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth in Gilead."

This verse comes from the book of 1 Kings, which is part of the historical books of the Old Testament. It serves as a record of the reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah, detailing their successes and failures as they lead their nations. The context of this verse is the story of Ahab, the king of Israel, who seeks to reclaim the city of Ramoth in Gilead from the king of Aram.

The verse is a simple statement of the actions of Ahab and Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, as they join forces to go up to Ramoth in Gilead. However, within the broader context of the chapter, this verse can be seen as part of a larger narrative illustrating the consequences of making decisions without seeking the guidance of God.

Ahab was a king known for his unfaithfulness to God and his inclination towards sin. Throughout his reign, Ahab disregarded the commandments of God and even married Jezebel, a woman known for her idolatry and manipulation. In 1 Kings 22, Ahab seeks to reclaim Ramoth in Gilead, a city that had previously belonged to Israel but was now under the control of the Arameans. Ahab forms an alliance with Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, in order to go to war against the king of Aram and reclaim the city.

Before going to war, Ahab consults his prophets, who all assure him that he will be successful in battle. However, Jehoshaphat seeks the counsel of a prophet of the Lord, Micaiah, who predicts that Ahab will die in the battle. Despite this warning, Ahab proceeds with the battle and is ultimately killed, as predicted by Micaiah.

This verse, in the broader context of the chapter, can be seen as a portrayal of the consequences of Ahab's decision to go to war without truly seeking the guidance of God. Ahab's reliance on his own understanding and the false assurances of his prophets led to his downfall. On the other hand, Jehoshaphat's decision to seek the counsel of a true prophet of the Lord ultimately saved his life. This serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking God's guidance in all decisions and the dangers of relying solely on human wisdom.

In terms of symbolism, the alliance between Ahab and Jehoshaphat can be seen as a representation of the compromise between good and evil. Ahab, a king known for his wickedness, aligns himself with Jehoshaphat, a king known for his faithfulness to God. This serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the dangers of forming alliances with those who do not share the same values and priorities.

Overall, 1 Kings 22:29 serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of seeking God's guidance in all decisions and the consequences of failing to do so. It also serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of compromising one's faith for the sake of worldly alliances. This verse, within the broader context of the chapter, reinforces the themes of faithfulness, obedience, and the sovereignty of God in the lives of his people.

1 Kings 22:29 Artwork

1 Kings 22:29 - "So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead."

1 Kings 22:29 - "So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah went up to Ramoth-gilead."

1 Kings 22:47 - "There was then no king in Edom: a deputy was king."

1 Kings 22:47 - "There was then no king in Edom: a deputy was king."

1 Kings 22:44 - "And Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of Israel."

1 Kings 22:44 - "And Jehoshaphat made peace with the king of Israel."

1 Kings 14:29 - "¶ Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?"

1 Kings 14:29 - "¶ Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?"

Proverbs 22:29 - "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."

Proverbs 22:29 - "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."

1 Kings 1:29 - "And the king sware, and said, As the LORD liveth, that hath redeemed my soul out of all distress,"

1 Kings 1:29 - "And the king sware, and said, As the LORD liveth, that hath redeemed my soul out of all distress,"

1 Kings 22:1 - "And they continued three years without war between Syria and Israel."

1 Kings 22:1 - "And they continued three years without war between Syria and Israel."

1 Kings 12:29 - "And he set the one in Beth-el, and the other put he in Dan."

1 Kings 12:29 - "And he set the one in Beth-el, and the other put he in Dan."

1 Kings 1:22 - "¶ And, lo, while she yet talked with the king, Nathan the prophet also came in."

1 Kings 1:22 - "¶ And, lo, while she yet talked with the king, Nathan the prophet also came in."

1 Kings 22:37 - "¶ So the king died, and was brought to Samaria; and they buried the king in Samaria."

1 Kings 22:37 - "¶ So the king died, and was brought to Samaria; and they buried the king in Samaria."

1 Kings 12:22 - "But the word of God came unto Shemaiah the man of God, saying,"

1 Kings 12:22 - "But the word of God came unto Shemaiah the man of God, saying,"

1 Kings 10:29 - "And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty: and so for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, did they bring them out by their means."

1 Kings 10:29 - "And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty: and so for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, did they bring them out by their means."

1 Kings 22:40 - "So Ahab slept with his fathers; and Ahaziah his son reigned in his stead."

1 Kings 22:40 - "So Ahab slept with his fathers; and Ahaziah his son reigned in his stead."

1 Kings 22:9 - "Then the king of Israel called an officer, and said, Hasten hither Micaiah the son of Imlah."

1 Kings 22:9 - "Then the king of Israel called an officer, and said, Hasten hither Micaiah the son of Imlah."

1 Kings 7:22 - "And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished."

1 Kings 7:22 - "And upon the top of the pillars was lily work: so was the work of the pillars finished."

1 Kings 22:45 - "Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, and his might that he shewed, and how he warred, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?"

1 Kings 22:45 - "Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, and his might that he shewed, and how he warred, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?"

1 Kings 22:2 - "And it came to pass in the third year, that Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came down to the king of Israel."

1 Kings 22:2 - "And it came to pass in the third year, that Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came down to the king of Israel."

1 Kings 4:29 - "¶ And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore."

1 Kings 4:29 - "¶ And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore."

1 Kings 22:21 - "And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him."

1 Kings 22:21 - "And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him."

1 Kings 22:7 - "And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might enquire of him?"

1 Kings 22:7 - "And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD besides, that we might enquire of him?"

1 Kings 22:39 - "Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all that he did, and the ivory house which he made, and all the cities that he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?"

1 Kings 22:39 - "Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all that he did, and the ivory house which he made, and all the cities that he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?"

1 Kings 22:41 - "¶ And Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel."

1 Kings 22:41 - "¶ And Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign over Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel."

1 Kings 22:5 - "And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel, Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the LORD to day."

1 Kings 22:5 - "And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel, Enquire, I pray thee, at the word of the LORD to day."

1 Kings 6:29 – "He carved all the walls of the temple round about with carved figures of cherubim and palm trees and open flowers."

1 Kings 6:29 – "He carved all the walls of the temple round about with carved figures of cherubim and palm trees and open flowers."

1 Kings 4:22 - "¶ And Solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measures of meal,"

1 Kings 4:22 - "¶ And Solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measures of meal,"

1 Kings 22:14 - "And Micaiah said, As the LORD liveth, what the LORD saith unto me, that will I speak."

1 Kings 22:14 - "And Micaiah said, As the LORD liveth, what the LORD saith unto me, that will I speak."

1 Kings 17:22 - "And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived."

1 Kings 17:22 - "And the LORD heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived."

Jeremiah 25:22 - "And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea,"

Jeremiah 25:22 - "And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea,"

Jeremiah 22:29 - "O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD."

Jeremiah 22:29 - "O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD."

1 Kings 22:26 - "And the king of Israel said, Take Micaiah, and carry him back unto Amon the governor of the city, and to Joash the king's son;"

1 Kings 22:26 - "And the king of Israel said, Take Micaiah, and carry him back unto Amon the governor of the city, and to Joash the king's son;"