What does 1 Samuel 14:48 mean?

"And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them." - 1 Samuel 14:48

1 Samuel 14:48 - "And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them."

1 Samuel 14:48 - "And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them."

1 Samuel 14:48 (KJV) "And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them."


The book of 1 Samuel is set during a tumultuous time in Israel's history, as the people transition from a period of judges to the establishment of a monarchy. In chapter 14, we see the story of Jonathan, the son of King Saul, and his servant who courageously engage in battle against the Philistines. Despite being outnumbered, they achieve a great victory through faith and bravery. As a result, Saul's forces grow and they engage in even further battles, including with the Amalekites.


In this verse, we see Saul leading his army in a campaign against the Amalekites, a long-standing enemy of Israel. The Amalekites were known for their hostility towards the Israelites, and had previously attacked them during their journey through the wilderness. The battle described in this verse represents the ongoing struggle between good and evil, as well as the theme of deliverance through faith and obedience to God.

By defeating the Amalekites, Saul is not only securing the safety of his people but fulfilling a command from God. In 1 Samuel 15, we see that God had specifically instructed Saul to utterly destroy the Amalekites, along with all their livestock. However, Saul disobeys and spares some of the plunder, leading to severe consequences for himself and his kingdom.


The defeat of the Amalekites symbolizes the victory of God's people over their enemies, as well as the protection and deliverance that comes through obedience to God's commands. However, Saul's incomplete obedience serves as a cautionary tale, emphasizing the importance of wholehearted devotion and trust in God.

Additionally, this verse foreshadows the ongoing struggle between the Israelites and the surrounding nations. The conflict with the Amalekites is just one example of the constant battles that the nation of Israel faced throughout its history. The Amalekites serve as a recurring symbol of opposition and adversity, representing the spiritual and physical battles that believers continue to face in the world.


This verse highlights several key themes that are prevalent throughout the Bible. The first theme is the idea of divine deliverance, as God consistently works on behalf of His people to rescue them from their enemies. This deliverance is often achieved through unexpected means, as seen in the bravery of Jonathan and his servant in the previous chapter.

Another theme is the importance of obedience and faithfulness to God's commands. Saul's failure to fully carry out God's instructions serves as a warning against compromise and disobedience. It shows that acting according to our own understanding, rather than following God's guidance, can lead to dire consequences.


1 Samuel 14:48 is a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle between good and evil, and the faithfulness and deliverance of God's people. Through this verse, we are encouraged to trust in God's provision and protection, remain obedient to His commands, and find strength in the midst of adversity. The lessons from this verse transcend its historical context, providing timeless principles that are relevant for believers today.

1 Samuel 14:48 Artwork

1 Samuel 14:48 - "And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them."

1 Samuel 14:48 - "And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them."

1 Samuel 11:14 - "Then said Samuel to the people, Come, and let us go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom there."

1 Samuel 11:14 - "Then said Samuel to the people, Come, and let us go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom there."

2 Samuel 22:48 - "It is God that avengeth me, and that bringeth down the people under me,"

2 Samuel 22:48 - "It is God that avengeth me, and that bringeth down the people under me,"

1 Samuel 17:48 - "And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."

1 Samuel 17:48 - "And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."

1 Samuel 17:14 - "And David was the youngest: and the three eldest followed Saul."

1 Samuel 17:14 - "And David was the youngest: and the three eldest followed Saul."

Jeremiah 48:14 - "¶ How say ye, We are mighty and strong men for the war?"

Jeremiah 48:14 - "¶ How say ye, We are mighty and strong men for the war?"

1 Samuel 14:25 - "And all they of the land came to a wood; and there was honey upon the ground."

1 Samuel 14:25 - "And all they of the land came to a wood; and there was honey upon the ground."

1 Samuel 15:14 - "And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?"

1 Samuel 15:14 - "And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?"

1 Samuel 14:51 - "And Kish was the father of Saul; and Ner the father of Abner was the son of Abiel."

1 Samuel 14:51 - "And Kish was the father of Saul; and Ner the father of Abner was the son of Abiel."

Ezekiel 48:14 - "And they shall not sell of it, neither exchange, nor alienate the firstfruits of the land: for it is holy unto the LORD."

Ezekiel 48:14 - "And they shall not sell of it, neither exchange, nor alienate the firstfruits of the land: for it is holy unto the LORD."

Psalms 48:14 - "For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death."

Psalms 48:14 - "For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death."

1 Samuel 18:14 - "And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the LORD was with him."

1 Samuel 18:14 - "And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the LORD was with him."

1 Samuel 9:14 - "And they went up into the city: and when they were come into the city, behold, Samuel came out against them, for to go up to the high place."

1 Samuel 9:14 - "And they went up into the city: and when they were come into the city, behold, Samuel came out against them, for to go up to the high place."

2 Samuel 14:1 - "Now Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived that the king's heart was toward Absalom."

2 Samuel 14:1 - "Now Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived that the king's heart was toward Absalom."

1 Samuel 19:14 - "And when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, He is sick."

1 Samuel 19:14 - "And when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, He is sick."

1 Samuel 14:46 - "Then Saul went up from following the Philistines: and the Philistines went to their own place."

1 Samuel 14:46 - "Then Saul went up from following the Philistines: and the Philistines went to their own place."

1 Samuel 14:42 - "And Saul said, Cast lots between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken."

1 Samuel 14:42 - "And Saul said, Cast lots between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken."

1 Samuel 14:44 - "And Saul answered, God do so and more also: for thou shalt surely die, Jonathan."

1 Samuel 14:44 - "And Saul answered, God do so and more also: for thou shalt surely die, Jonathan."

1 Samuel 14:35 - "And Saul built an altar unto the LORD: the same was the first altar that he built unto the LORD."

1 Samuel 14:35 - "And Saul built an altar unto the LORD: the same was the first altar that he built unto the LORD."

1 Samuel 14:31 - "And they smote the Philistines that day from Michmash to Aijalon: and the people were very faint."

1 Samuel 14:31 - "And they smote the Philistines that day from Michmash to Aijalon: and the people were very faint."

1 Samuel 16:14 - "¶ But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him."

1 Samuel 16:14 - "¶ But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him."

Numbers 1:48 - "For the LORD had spoken unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 1:48 - "For the LORD had spoken unto Moses, saying,"

1 Corinthians 15:48 - "As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly."

1 Corinthians 15:48 - "As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly."

1 Chronicles 1:48 - "And when Samlah was dead, Shaul of Rehoboth by the river reigned in his stead."

1 Chronicles 1:48 - "And when Samlah was dead, Shaul of Rehoboth by the river reigned in his stead."

Mark 14:48 - "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?"

Mark 14:48 - "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?"

1 Samuel 1:14 - "And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee."

1 Samuel 1:14 - "And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee."

1 Samuel 14:14 - "And that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armourbearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were an half acre of land, which a yoke of oxen might plow."

1 Samuel 14:14 - "And that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armourbearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were an half acre of land, which a yoke of oxen might plow."

1 Chronicles 2:48 - "Maachah, Caleb's concubine, bare Sheber, and Tirhanah."

1 Chronicles 2:48 - "Maachah, Caleb's concubine, bare Sheber, and Tirhanah."

1 Samuel 20:14 - "And thou shalt not only while yet I live shew me the kindness of the LORD, that I die not:"

1 Samuel 20:14 - "And thou shalt not only while yet I live shew me the kindness of the LORD, that I die not:"

1 Samuel 14:8 - "Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will pass over unto these men, and we will discover ourselves unto them."

1 Samuel 14:8 - "Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will pass over unto these men, and we will discover ourselves unto them."