What does 2 Chronicles 32:7 mean?

"Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:" - 2 Chronicles 32:7

2 Chronicles 32:7 - "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:"

2 Chronicles 32:7 - "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:"

The verse 2 Chronicles 32:7 from the King James Bible reads: "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him."

This verse is part of a passage that describes the events during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah. During this time, the king of Assyria, Sennacherib, had launched a campaign to conquer the city of Jerusalem. Hezekiah, the king of Judah, faced a formidable foe and was tasked with leading his people through a time of intense fear and uncertainty. In response to this threat, Hezekiah encouraged his people with the words found in 2 Chronicles 32:7.

The verse conveys a powerful message of strength, courage, and faith in the face of adversity. Hezekiah's words to his people are meant to instill confidence and trust in God's protection. The king urges his people to not be afraid or dismayed by the power and vast numbers of the Assyrian army. Instead, he reassures them that there are more with them than against them.

One of the key themes in this verse is the concept of divine protection and help in times of trouble. Hezekiah's words reflect a deep faith in God's ability to intervene on behalf of his people. The message is clear: when facing overwhelming odds, it is important to turn to God for strength and courage. This verse speaks to the enduring belief that the Almighty is always present and ready to assist those who put their trust in Him.

Additionally, the verse also conveys a message of unity and solidarity. Hezekiah's words are directed not just to individuals, but to the entire community of Judah. His exhortation to "be strong and courageous" is a call to collective action and mutual support. This sentiment of unity in the face of adversity is a timeless and universal theme in the Bible.

Symbolically, this verse can be interpreted as a metaphor for the spiritual battles that believers face in their lives. The Assyrian army can be seen as a representation of the forces of evil or the challenges that believers encounter. Just as Hezekiah urged his people to stand firm and trust in God's help, this verse encourages believers to have faith and find strength in God's protection when facing spiritual struggles.

The historical context of this verse provides additional layers of meaning. The Assyrian army was known for its cruel and ruthless tactics, and their invasion of Judah was a very real and terrifying threat. Hezekiah's words were spoken in a time of immense danger, and his call for courage and faith in the face of impending doom resonates deeply with believers throughout history who have faced similar trials.

In conclusion, 2 Chronicles 32:7 is a powerful and uplifting verse that speaks to the universal human experience of facing adversity. Hezekiah's exhortation to be strong and courageous, and to not be afraid or dismayed, is a timeless message that continues to provide hope and inspiration to believers today. This verse serves as a reminder that, no matter the odds, God's protection and help are always available to those who trust in Him.

2 Chronicles 32:7 Artwork

2 Chronicles 32:7 - "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:"

2 Chronicles 32:7 - "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him:"

1 Chronicles 7:32 - "And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister."

1 Chronicles 7:32 - "And Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and Hotham, and Shua their sister."

2 chronicles 7:14

2 chronicles 7:14

2 chronicles 7:14

2 chronicles 7:14

2 Chronicles 32:2 - "And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was come, and that he was purposed to fight against Jerusalem,"

2 Chronicles 32:2 - "And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was come, and that he was purposed to fight against Jerusalem,"

2 Chronicles 32:32 - "Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and his goodness, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, and in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel."

2 Chronicles 32:32 - "Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and his goodness, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, and in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel."

2 Chronicles 32:20 - "And for this cause Hezekiah the king, and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven."

2 Chronicles 32:20 - "And for this cause Hezekiah the king, and the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz, prayed and cried to heaven."

1 Chronicles 2:32 - "And the sons of Jada the brother of Shammai; Jether, and Jonathan: and Jether died without children."

1 Chronicles 2:32 - "And the sons of Jada the brother of Shammai; Jether, and Jonathan: and Jether died without children."

2 Chronicles 11:7 - "And Beth-zur, and Shoco, and Adullam,"

2 Chronicles 11:7 - "And Beth-zur, and Shoco, and Adullam,"

2 Chronicles 32:16 - "And his servants spake yet more against the LORD God, and against his servant Hezekiah."

2 Chronicles 32:16 - "And his servants spake yet more against the LORD God, and against his servant Hezekiah."

2 Chronicles 32:28 - "Storehouses also for the increase of corn, and wine, and oil; and stalls for all manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks."

2 Chronicles 32:28 - "Storehouses also for the increase of corn, and wine, and oil; and stalls for all manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks."

2 Chronicles 20:32 - "And he walked in the way of Asa his father, and departed not from it, doing that which was right in the sight of the LORD."

2 Chronicles 20:32 - "And he walked in the way of Asa his father, and departed not from it, doing that which was right in the sight of the LORD."

2 Chronicles 32:10 - "Thus saith Sennacherib king of Assyria, Whereon do ye trust, that ye abide in the siege in Jerusalem?"

2 Chronicles 32:10 - "Thus saith Sennacherib king of Assyria, Whereon do ye trust, that ye abide in the siege in Jerusalem?"

2 Chronicles 32:19 - "And they spake against the God of Jerusalem, as against the gods of the people of the earth, which were the work of the hands of man."

2 Chronicles 32:19 - "And they spake against the God of Jerusalem, as against the gods of the people of the earth, which were the work of the hands of man."

2 Chronicles 18:32 - "For it came to pass, that, when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back again from pursuing him."

2 Chronicles 18:32 - "For it came to pass, that, when the captains of the chariots perceived that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back again from pursuing him."

2 Chronicles 7:4 - "¶ Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the LORD."

2 Chronicles 7:4 - "¶ Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the LORD."

2 Chronicles 34:32 - "And he caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers."

2 Chronicles 34:32 - "And he caused all that were present in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers."

1 Chronicles 11:32 - "Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,"

1 Chronicles 11:32 - "Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,"

2 Chronicles 32:29 - "Moreover he provided him cities, and possessions of flocks and herds in abundance: for God had given him substance very much."

2 Chronicles 32:29 - "Moreover he provided him cities, and possessions of flocks and herds in abundance: for God had given him substance very much."

2 Chronicles 32:24 - "¶ In those days Hezekiah was sick to the death, and prayed unto the LORD: and he spake unto him, and he gave him a sign."

2 Chronicles 32:24 - "¶ In those days Hezekiah was sick to the death, and prayed unto the LORD: and he spake unto him, and he gave him a sign."

2 Chronicles 32:6 - "And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,"

2 Chronicles 32:6 - "And he set captains of war over the people, and gathered them together to him in the street of the gate of the city, and spake comfortably to them, saying,"

1 Chronicles 2:7 - "And the sons of Carmi; Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the thing accursed."

1 Chronicles 2:7 - "And the sons of Carmi; Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the thing accursed."

2 Chronicles 7:2 - "And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD'S house."

2 Chronicles 7:2 - "And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD'S house."

2 Chronicles 32:18 - "Then they cried with a loud voice in the Jews' speech unto the people of Jerusalem that were on the wall, to affright them, and to trouble them; that they might take the city."

2 Chronicles 32:18 - "Then they cried with a loud voice in the Jews' speech unto the people of Jerusalem that were on the wall, to affright them, and to trouble them; that they might take the city."

2 Chronicles 32:3 - "He took counsel with his princes and his mighty men to stop the waters of the fountains which were without the city: and they did help him."

2 Chronicles 32:3 - "He took counsel with his princes and his mighty men to stop the waters of the fountains which were without the city: and they did help him."

2 Chronicles 32:1 - "After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself."

2 Chronicles 32:1 - "After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself."

2 Chronicles 26:7 - "And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the Mehunims."

2 Chronicles 26:7 - "And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the Mehunims."

2 Chronicles 32:23 - "And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth."

2 Chronicles 32:23 - "And many brought gifts unto the LORD to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth."

2 Chronicles 32:25 - "But Hezekiah rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him; for his heart was lifted up: therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem."

2 Chronicles 32:25 - "But Hezekiah rendered not again according to the benefit done unto him; for his heart was lifted up: therefore there was wrath upon him, and upon Judah and Jerusalem."

2 Chronicles 32:22 - "Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side."

2 Chronicles 32:22 - "Thus the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria, and from the hand of all other, and guided them on every side."