What does 2 Chronicles 9:31 mean?

"And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead." - 2 Chronicles 9:31

2 Chronicles 9:31 - "And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead."

2 Chronicles 9:31 - "And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead."

2 Chronicles 9:31 (KJV) says, "And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead."

This verse marks the end of an era - the passing of King Solomon, one of the most renowned and influential figures in the Old Testament. Solomon’s death signifies the end of a prosperous and peaceful reign, and the beginning of a new era under the rule of his son, Rehoboam. This verse is significant as it encapsulates the transition of power from one generation to the next, and the resulting implications for the kingdom of Israel.

Solomon’s death represents the conclusion of a remarkable reign characterized by unparalleled wisdom, wealth, and peace. His reign was a time of prosperity and splendor for the people of Israel, as he implemented various reforms and built the magnificent Temple in Jerusalem. However, as with all human rulers, his reign came to an end with his passing, reminding us of the temporary nature of human power and the inevitability of mortality. It serves as a stark reminder of the transitory nature of worldly success and material wealth in the face of death.

The verse also introduces Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, who ascended to the throne after his father's death. His reign, however, was marred by civil unrest and division, leading to the eventual split of the kingdom of Israel. This transition of power from Solomon to Rehoboam symbolizes the complexities and challenges of dynastic succession. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of pride, arrogance, and political folly that can lead to the downfall of a once-unified kingdom.

The themes of succession and legacy run deep in this verse. It highlights the importance of the passing down of wisdom, values, and leadership from one generation to the next. Solomon’s death marks the passing of the torch to Rehoboam, emphasizing the significance of wise and effective leadership to ensure the continuity and prosperity of a kingdom. This transition also underscores the need for humility and a sense of responsibility in those who assume positions of power and authority.

Moreover, the verse holds historical and symbolic significance in the context of the biblical narrative. It marks the end of the united monarchy of Israel, leading into a period of division and conflict among the Israelite tribes. This turbulent period ultimately played a crucial role in shaping the destiny of the nation of Israel, leading to exile and eventual restoration.

From a broader theological perspective, this verse serves as a reminder of the temporal nature of human life and the fleeting nature of worldly power and glory. It prompts us to contemplate the brevity of life and the importance of leaving a meaningful and enduring legacy for future generations.

In conclusion, 2 Chronicles 9:31 encapsulates the themes of transition, succession, and mortality. It marks the end of a glorious reign and the beginning of a tumultuous period in the history of Israel. It serves as a poignant reflection on the nature of human power, the complexities of leadership, and the inevitability of death. Ultimately, it prompts us to ponder the legacy we leave behind and the values we impart to those who come after us.

2 Chronicles 9:31 Artwork

2 Chronicles 9:31 - "And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead."

2 Chronicles 9:31 - "And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead."

2 Chronicles 31:9 - "Then Hezekiah questioned with the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps."

2 Chronicles 31:9 - "Then Hezekiah questioned with the priests and the Levites concerning the heaps."

2 Chronicles 11:9 - "And Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah,"

2 Chronicles 11:9 - "And Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah,"

2 Chronicles 31:11 - "¶ Then Hezekiah commanded to prepare chambers in the house of the LORD; and they prepared them,"

2 Chronicles 31:11 - "¶ Then Hezekiah commanded to prepare chambers in the house of the LORD; and they prepared them,"

1 Chronicles 2:31 - "And the sons of Appaim; Ishi. And the sons of Ishi; Sheshan. And the children of Sheshan; Ahlai."

1 Chronicles 2:31 - "And the sons of Appaim; Ishi. And the sons of Ishi; Sheshan. And the children of Sheshan; Ahlai."

1 Chronicles 9:31 - "And Mattithiah, one of the Levites, who was the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, had the set office over the things that were made in the pans."

1 Chronicles 9:31 - "And Mattithiah, one of the Levites, who was the firstborn of Shallum the Korahite, had the set office over the things that were made in the pans."

2 Chronicles 31:7 - "In the third month they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month."

2 Chronicles 31:7 - "In the third month they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month."

2 Chronicles 31:8 - "And when Hezekiah and the princes came and saw the heaps, they blessed the LORD, and his people Israel."

2 Chronicles 31:8 - "And when Hezekiah and the princes came and saw the heaps, they blessed the LORD, and his people Israel."

2 Chronicles 9:30 - "And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years."

2 Chronicles 9:30 - "And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years."

2 Kings 15:31 - "And the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel."

2 Kings 15:31 - "And the rest of the acts of Pekah, and all that he did, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel."

2 Chronicles 31:17 - "Both to the genealogy of the priests by the house of their fathers, and the Levites from twenty years old and upward, in their charges by their courses;"

2 Chronicles 31:17 - "Both to the genealogy of the priests by the house of their fathers, and the Levites from twenty years old and upward, in their charges by their courses;"

1 Chronicles 8:31 - "And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher."

1 Chronicles 8:31 - "And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher."

2 Chronicles 31:4 - "Moreover he commanded the people that dwelt in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, that they might be encouraged in the law of the LORD."

2 Chronicles 31:4 - "Moreover he commanded the people that dwelt in Jerusalem to give the portion of the priests and the Levites, that they might be encouraged in the law of the LORD."

2 Kings 9:31 - "And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his master?"

2 Kings 9:31 - "And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his master?"

2 Chronicles 9:28 - "And they brought unto Solomon horses out of Egypt, and out of all lands."

2 Chronicles 9:28 - "And they brought unto Solomon horses out of Egypt, and out of all lands."

2 Chronicles 9:22 - "And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom."

2 Chronicles 9:22 - "And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom."

2 Chronicles 31:18 - "And to the genealogy of all their little ones, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, through all the congregation: for in their set office they sanctified themselves in holiness:"

2 Chronicles 31:18 - "And to the genealogy of all their little ones, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, through all the congregation: for in their set office they sanctified themselves in holiness:"

2 Chronicles 31:12 - "And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his brother was the next."

2 Chronicles 31:12 - "And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully: over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler, and Shimei his brother was the next."

2 Chronicles 31:20 - "¶ And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah, and wrought that which was good and right and truth before the LORD his God."

2 Chronicles 31:20 - "¶ And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah, and wrought that which was good and right and truth before the LORD his God."

2 Chronicles 6:31 - "That they may fear thee, to walk in thy ways, so long as they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers."

2 Chronicles 6:31 - "That they may fear thee, to walk in thy ways, so long as they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers."

2 Chronicles 9:17 - "Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold."

2 Chronicles 9:17 - "Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold."

1 Chronicles 1:31 - "Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These are the sons of Ishmael."

1 Chronicles 1:31 - "Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah. These are the sons of Ishmael."

2 Chronicles 9:2 - "And Solomon told her all her questions: and there was nothing hid from Solomon which he told her not."

2 Chronicles 9:2 - "And Solomon told her all her questions: and there was nothing hid from Solomon which he told her not."

2 Chronicles 3:9 - "And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold. And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold."

2 Chronicles 3:9 - "And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold. And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold."

2 Chronicles 31:14 - "And Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the porter toward the east, was over the freewill offerings of God, to distribute the oblations of the LORD, and the most holy things."

2 Chronicles 31:14 - "And Kore the son of Imnah the Levite, the porter toward the east, was over the freewill offerings of God, to distribute the oblations of the LORD, and the most holy things."

2 Chronicles 2:9 - "Even to prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I am about to build shall be wonderful great."

2 Chronicles 2:9 - "Even to prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I am about to build shall be wonderful great."

1 Chronicles 2:9 - "The sons also of Hezron, that were born unto him; Jerahmeel, and Ram, and Chelubai."

1 Chronicles 2:9 - "The sons also of Hezron, that were born unto him; Jerahmeel, and Ram, and Chelubai."

1 Chronicles 9:2 - "¶ Now the first inhabitants that dwelt in their possessions in their cities were, the Israelites, the priests, Levites, and the Nethinims."

1 Chronicles 9:2 - "¶ Now the first inhabitants that dwelt in their possessions in their cities were, the Israelites, the priests, Levites, and the Nethinims."

2 Chronicles 9:3 - "And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house that he had built,"

2 Chronicles 9:3 - "And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house that he had built,"

2 Chronicles 31:15 - "And next him were Eden, and Miniamin, and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, in their set office, to give to their brethren by courses, as well to the great as to the small:"

2 Chronicles 31:15 - "And next him were Eden, and Miniamin, and Jeshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shecaniah, in the cities of the priests, in their set office, to give to their brethren by courses, as well to the great as to the small:"