What does Numbers 25:8 mean?

"And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel." - Numbers 25:8

numbers 25:8

numbers 25:8

The Bible verse Numbers 25:8 from the King James Version reads, "And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel."

This verse comes from the book of Numbers, which is the fourth book of the Old Testament. It is also known as the Book of Moses, as it records the events of the Israelites' journey from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land. The book is named "Numbers" because it begins with a census of the Israelites and contains various other numerical data.

This particular verse comes at the end of a story in which the Israelites engaged in idolatry and sexual immorality with the Moabite women. This behavior was a direct violation of God's commands, as he had instructed the Israelites to worship only him and to avoid intermingling with the pagan people of the land. As a result of their disobedience, a plague broke out among the Israelites, causing many deaths.

In this verse, we see the character Phinehas, the son of the high priest, taking decisive action to stop the plague. Upon witnessing an Israelite man bringing a Midianite woman into his tent, Phinehas takes a spear and thrusts both of them through, effectively putting an end to the sin that had been committed. This act of zealousness is credited with the stopping of the plague and earning Phinehas and his descendants a covenant of peace and a perpetual priesthood.

The themes present in this verse include the consequences of sin, the importance of obedience to God's commands, and the role of zeal in preserving the holiness of God's people. The story serves as a sobering reminder of the seriousness of sin and the swift judgment that can follow disobedience to God.

Symbolism can be found in Phinehas' actions. His zealousness in upholding the holiness of God's people is seen as a commendable and necessary act in this context. The use of the spear to put an end to the sinful behavior can be seen as a symbol of the spiritual warfare that believers engage in to combat the influence of sin in their lives and in the community of faith. Additionally, the mention of Phinehas and his descendants receiving a covenant of peace and a perpetual priesthood underscores the idea of the importance of righteous and faithful leadership in preserving the spiritual welfare of God's people.

In a broader context, this verse also raises questions about the ethics of violence in the name of religion and the role of individuals in enforcing religious laws. The story of Phinehas has been a subject of debate and discussion among theologians and scholars, with some interpreting it as an example of divine approval of violent action, while others see it as a cautionary tale about the dangers of zealotry.

Overall, Numbers 25:8 from the King James Version is a thought-provoking verse that touches on themes of obedience, zeal, and the consequences of sin. It serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding the holiness of God's people and the need for faithful leadership in the community of faith.

Numbers 25:8 Artwork

numbers 25:8

numbers 25:8

Numbers 8:25 - "And from the age of fifty years they shall cease waiting upon the service thereof, and shall serve no more:"

Numbers 8:25 - "And from the age of fifty years they shall cease waiting upon the service thereof, and shall serve no more:"

Numbers 25:17 - "Vex the Midianites, and smite them:"

Numbers 25:17 - "Vex the Midianites, and smite them:"

Numbers 31:25 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 31:25 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 25:10 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 25:10 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 25:16 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 25:16 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 18:25 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 18:25 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 33:25 - "And they removed from Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth."

Numbers 33:25 - "And they removed from Haradah, and pitched in Makheloth."

Numbers 26:8 - "And the sons of Pallu; Eliab."

Numbers 26:8 - "And the sons of Pallu; Eliab."

Numbers 25:9 - "And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand."

Numbers 25:9 - "And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand."

Numbers 13:25 - "And they returned from searching of the land after forty days."

Numbers 13:25 - "And they returned from searching of the land after forty days."

Numbers 34:25 - "And the prince of the tribe of the children of Zebulun, Elizaphan the son of Parnach."

Numbers 34:25 - "And the prince of the tribe of the children of Zebulun, Elizaphan the son of Parnach."

Numbers 1:8 - "Of Issachar; Nethaneel the son of Zuar."

Numbers 1:8 - "Of Issachar; Nethaneel the son of Zuar."

Numbers 8:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 8:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 13:8 - "Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun."

Numbers 13:8 - "Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun."

1 Chronicles 8:25 - "And Iphedeiah, and Penuel, the sons of Shashak;"

1 Chronicles 8:25 - "And Iphedeiah, and Penuel, the sons of Shashak;"

Numbers 8:1 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 8:1 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 8:23 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 8:23 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 6:25 - "The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:"

Numbers 6:25 - "The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:"

Numbers 25:12 - "Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace:"

Numbers 25:12 - "Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace:"

Numbers 26:25 - "These are the families of Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred."

Numbers 26:25 - "These are the families of Issachar according to those that were numbered of them, threescore and four thousand and three hundred."

Numbers 25:3 - "And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel."

Numbers 25:3 - "And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel."

Numbers 20:25 - "Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor:"

Numbers 20:25 - "Take Aaron and Eleazar his son, and bring them up unto mount Hor:"

Numbers 25:2 - "And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods."

Numbers 25:2 - "And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods."

Numbers 16:25 - "And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him."

Numbers 16:25 - "And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him."

Ezra 8:34 - "By number and by weight of every one: and all the weight was written at that time."

Ezra 8:34 - "By number and by weight of every one: and all the weight was written at that time."

Numbers 24:25 - "And Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place: and Balak also went his way."

Numbers 24:25 - "And Balaam rose up, and went and returned to his place: and Balak also went his way."

Numbers 8:24-26 - "This is what applies to the Levites: from twenty-five years old and upward they shall come to do duty in the service of the tent of meeting. And from the age of fifty years they shall withdraw from the duty of the service and serve no more. They minister to their brothers in the tent of meeting by keeping guard, but they shall do no service. Thus shall you do to the Levites in assigning their duties."

Numbers 8:24-26 - "This is what applies to the Levites: from twenty-five years old and upward they shall come to do duty in the service of the tent of meeting. And from the age of fifty years they shall withdraw from the duty of the service and serve no more. They minister to their brothers in the tent of meeting by keeping guard, but they shall do no service. Thus shall you do to the Levites in assigning their duties."

create a mosaic that depicts numbers 8:1 to 12:16  do not show words

create a mosaic that depicts numbers 8:1 to 12:16 do not show words

Numbers 8:6 - "Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse them."

Numbers 8:6 - "Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse them."