What does Numbers 29:15 mean?

"And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen lambs:" - Numbers 29:15

Numbers 29:15 - "And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen lambs:"

Numbers 29:15 - "And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen lambs:"

Numbers 29:15 in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible reads: "And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil for a meat offering unto one lamb; for a burnt offering of a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD."

This verse comes from the Old Testament book of Numbers, which contains a detailed account of the Israelites' journey from Mount Sinai to the plains of Moab, as well as the laws and regulations given to them by God through Moses. The specific context of this verse is within a chapter that outlines the offerings and sacrifices to be made during the Feast of Tabernacles, which was a time for the Israelites to remember their time in the wilderness and to give thanks to God for his provision.

In order to fully understand the significance of this verse, it is important to consider the broader themes and context within which it is situated. The concept of sacrifice and offering is central to many of the Old Testament laws and rituals, and it reflects the Israelites' understanding of their relationship with God. In this case, the "meat offering" mentioned in the verse is a symbol of gratitude and worship, as well as a way for the people to seek atonement for their sins and to express their dependence on God.

The use of flour and oil in the meat offering is significant as well. Flour was a staple grain in the diet of the Israelites, and it was used in many of their daily meals. By offering a portion of it to God, they were acknowledging that all they had came from him and expressing their willingness to give back to him. The addition of oil, which was also a common ingredient in their cooking, symbolized the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, as well as the richness and abundance of God's blessings.

The mention of a "sweet savour" in the burnt offering further emphasizes the idea of the offering being pleasing and acceptable to God. This phrase is used throughout the Old Testament to describe offerings that were made with a sincere heart and a spirit of reverence and obedience. It underscores the importance of the attitude and motivation behind the act of sacrifice, as well as the desire to honor and glorify God through it.

The verse concludes by describing the sacrifice as "a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD." Fire was a common element in the sacrificial rituals of the Israelites, and it symbolized God's presence and his consuming power. By offering their sacrifices to God through fire, the Israelites were demonstrating their desire for purification and consecration, as well as their commitment to serving and obeying him.

Overall, Numbers 29:15 emphasizes the themes of gratitude, devotion, and atonement within the context of the Israelites' religious practices. It also underscores the importance of sincerity and reverence in approaching God through their offerings and sacrifices. While these laws and rituals are specific to the cultural and historical context of the ancient Israelites, they hold broader significance in highlighting the universal human need for redemption and the call to faithfully honor and worship God.

Numbers 29:15 Artwork

Numbers 29:15 - "And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen lambs:"

Numbers 29:15 - "And a several tenth deal to each lamb of the fourteen lambs:"

Numbers 15:29 - "Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them."

Numbers 15:29 - "Ye shall have one law for him that sinneth through ignorance, both for him that is born among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them."

put on a scroll acts 15:29

put on a scroll acts 15:29

Numbers 11:15

Numbers 11:15

Joshua 15:29 - "Baalah, and Iim, and Azem,"

Joshua 15:29 - "Baalah, and Iim, and Azem,"

Numbers 33:29 - "And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in Hashmonah."

Numbers 33:29 - "And they went from Mithcah, and pitched in Hashmonah."

Numbers 29:29 - "¶ And on the sixth day eight bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish:"

Numbers 29:29 - "¶ And on the sixth day eight bullocks, two rams, and fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish:"

Numbers 28:29 - "A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven lambs;"

Numbers 28:29 - "A several tenth deal unto one lamb, throughout the seven lambs;"

Numbers 29:10 - "A several tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs:"

Numbers 29:10 - "A several tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs:"

Numbers 29:5 - "And one kid of the goats for a sin offering, to make an atonement for you:"

Numbers 29:5 - "And one kid of the goats for a sin offering, to make an atonement for you:"

Numbers 29:4 - "And one tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs:"

Numbers 29:4 - "And one tenth deal for one lamb, throughout the seven lambs:"

Job 29:15 - "I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame."

Job 29:15 - "I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame."

Numbers 1:15 - "Of Naphtali; Ahira the son of Enan."

Numbers 1:15 - "Of Naphtali; Ahira the son of Enan."

Numbers 3:29 - "The families of the sons of Kohath shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle southward."

Numbers 3:29 - "The families of the sons of Kohath shall pitch on the side of the tabernacle southward."

Numbers 4:29 - "¶ As for the sons of Merari, thou shalt number them after their families, by the house of their fathers;"

Numbers 4:29 - "¶ As for the sons of Merari, thou shalt number them after their families, by the house of their fathers;"

Numbers 29:21 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:21 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:40 - "And Moses told the children of Israel according to all that the LORD commanded Moses."

Numbers 29:40 - "And Moses told the children of Israel according to all that the LORD commanded Moses."

Numbers 27:15 - "¶ And Moses spake unto the LORD, saying,"

Numbers 27:15 - "¶ And Moses spake unto the LORD, saying,"

Numbers 15:17 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 15:17 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 15:37 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 15:37 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 2:29 - "¶ Then the tribe of Naphtali: and the captain of the children of Naphtali shall be Ahira the son of Enan."

Numbers 2:29 - "¶ Then the tribe of Naphtali: and the captain of the children of Naphtali shall be Ahira the son of Enan."

Numbers 31:29 - "Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering of the LORD."

Numbers 31:29 - "Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering of the LORD."

Numbers 34:29 - "These are they whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance unto the children of Israel in the land of Canaan."

Numbers 34:29 - "These are they whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance unto the children of Israel in the land of Canaan."

Numbers 29:37 - "Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:37 - "Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:30 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:30 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:27 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:27 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:24 - "Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:24 - "Their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:33 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:33 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:18 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 29:18 - "And their meat offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the manner:"

Numbers 15:1 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 15:1 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"