What does Numbers 5:11 mean?

"¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying," - Numbers 5:11

Numbers 5:11 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 5:11 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 5:11 in the King James Version of the Bible reads, "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying." While this verse may seem innocuous at first glance, it is actually part of a larger passage that holds deep meaning and significance within the biblical context.

The book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Pentateuch, also known as the Torah, and it continues the narrative of the Israelites' journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. This particular verse occurs within the context of a passage that deals with the issue of jealousy and suspicion within marriage, particularly when a husband accuses his wife of infidelity.

In Numbers 5:11-31, God provides Moses with instructions for how to handle situations where a husband suspects his wife of being unfaithful. The passage describes a ritual known as the "trial by ordeal," where the suspected wife is brought before the priest along with an offering of barley meal. The priest administers a potion of holy water mixed with dust from the tabernacle floor, which the woman is required to drink. If she is guilty, the potion will cause her to suffer physical consequences, but if she is innocent, she will be unharmed and able to conceive children.

This passage raises several themes and issues that are worth exploring. Firstly, it deals with the issue of trust and fidelity within marriage. Suspicion and jealousy can be corrosive forces within a relationship, and the passage provides a mechanism for resolving these issues within the context of the ancient Israelite society. It also speaks to the importance of justice and fairness, ensuring that accusations of infidelity are not taken lightly and that there is a specific process for determining guilt or innocence.

Symbolically, the passage can be seen as a reflection of the broader theme of the Israelites' covenant relationship with God. The relationship between God and Israel is often described in terms of a marriage, with God as the husband and Israel as the wife. The accusations of infidelity mirror the idea of spiritual unfaithfulness, where the Israelites are accused of turning away from their covenant with God. The ritual of the trial by ordeal can be seen as a symbol of the purification and restoration of the covenant relationship, with the holy water and the barley meal representing the elements of cleansing and renewal.

From a historical and cultural context, the ritual described in Numbers 5:11-31 provides insight into the practices and beliefs of the ancient Israelites. It reflects the patriarchal nature of ancient Israelite society, where a husband had the power to accuse and potentially punish his wife based on his suspicions. The ritual itself may seem strange or archaic to modern readers, but it was a significant part of the religious and legal framework of the Israelite community at that time.

In conclusion, Numbers 5:11 in the King James Version of the Bible is part of a larger passage that deals with the issue of jealousy and suspicion within marriage. It raises themes of trust, fidelity, and justice, and provides insight into the cultural and religious practices of the ancient Israelites. Symbolically, it can be seen as a reflection of the broader theme of the covenant relationship between God and Israel. Overall, this verse is a thought-provoking and significant part of the biblical narrative.

Numbers 5:11 Artwork

Numbers 5:11 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 5:11 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 11:5 - "We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick:"

Numbers 11:5 - "We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick:"

Numbers 11:15

Numbers 11:15

Numbers 5:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 5:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 1:11 - "Of Benjamin; Abidan the son of Gideoni."

Numbers 1:11 - "Of Benjamin; Abidan the son of Gideoni."

Numbers 26:11 - "Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not."

Numbers 26:11 - "Notwithstanding the children of Korah died not."

Numbers 3:11 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 3:11 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 3:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 3:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 13:5 - "Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori."

Numbers 13:5 - "Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori."

Numbers 5:1 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 5:1 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 27:5 - "And Moses brought their cause before the LORD."

Numbers 27:5 - "And Moses brought their cause before the LORD."

Numbers 8:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 8:5 - "¶ And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,"

Numbers 11:7 - "And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium."

Numbers 11:7 - "And the manna was as coriander seed, and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium."

Numbers 33:11 - "And they removed from the Red sea, and encamped in the wilderness of Sin."

Numbers 33:11 - "And they removed from the Red sea, and encamped in the wilderness of Sin."

Numbers 11:30 - "And Moses gat him into the camp, he and the elders of Israel."

Numbers 11:30 - "And Moses gat him into the camp, he and the elders of Israel."

Numbers 33:5 - "And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in Succoth."

Numbers 33:5 - "And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in Succoth."

Numbers 13:11 - "Of the tribe of Joseph, namely, of the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi."

Numbers 13:11 - "Of the tribe of Joseph, namely, of the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi."

Numbers 31:11 - "And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts."

Numbers 31:11 - "And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts."

Numbers 11:9 - "And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it."

Numbers 11:9 - "And when the dew fell upon the camp in the night, the manna fell upon it."

Numbers 15:11 - "Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid."

Numbers 15:11 - "Thus shall it be done for one bullock, or for one ram, or for a lamb, or a kid."

Numbers 29:5 - "And one kid of the goats for a sin offering, to make an atonement for you:"

Numbers 29:5 - "And one kid of the goats for a sin offering, to make an atonement for you:"

Numbers 17:11 - "And Moses did so: as the LORD commanded him, so did he."

Numbers 17:11 - "And Moses did so: as the LORD commanded him, so did he."

Numbers 11:35 - "And the people journeyed from Kibroth-hattaavah unto Hazeroth; and abode at Hazeroth."

Numbers 11:35 - "And the people journeyed from Kibroth-hattaavah unto Hazeroth; and abode at Hazeroth."

Numbers 5:16 - "And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD:"

Numbers 5:16 - "And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD:"

Numbers 5:28 - "And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed."

Numbers 5:28 - "And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed."

Numbers 2:11 - "And his host, and those that were numbered thereof, were forty and six thousand and five hundred."

Numbers 2:11 - "And his host, and those that were numbered thereof, were forty and six thousand and five hundred."

Numbers 19:11 - "¶ He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days."

Numbers 19:11 - "¶ He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days."

Numbers 11:34 - "And he called the name of that place Kibroth-hattaavah: because there they buried the people that lusted."

Numbers 11:34 - "And he called the name of that place Kibroth-hattaavah: because there they buried the people that lusted."

Numbers 11:2 - "And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the LORD, the fire was quenched."

Numbers 11:2 - "And the people cried unto Moses; and when Moses prayed unto the LORD, the fire was quenched."

Numbers 11:27 - "And there ran a young man, and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp."

Numbers 11:27 - "And there ran a young man, and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp."