Proverbs 24:16, setting is a mountain 2 men, one is on the floor consumed by his own sin being wicked and staying on his belly in the ground and a demon is over him (representing how he is consumed by his own sin and is wicked) other man is walking up towards the mountain still going to the top where the doors to eternity are Jesus Christ

Create a visual representation of a biblical scene inspired by 'Proverbs 24-16'. The setting takes place on a mountain with two men in the scene. The first individual is grounded, laying on the floor embodying the heaviness of his own sin. Above him hover a menacing demonic figure to depict him being consumed by his misdeeds. In contrast, another man is seen steadfastly climbing up the mountain, continuously approaching the top where symbolic doors to eternity await him. These doors represent Jesus Christ. The style of the image should bring to mind the techniques and iconography of the Renaissance period like chiaroscuro and religious symbolism. The art piece should respect Christianity and evoke a sense of devotion. Do not include any text or words.

Create a visual representation of a biblical scene inspired by 'Proverbs 24-16'. The setting takes place on a mountain with two men in the scene. The first individual is grounded, laying on the floor embodying the heaviness of his own sin. Above him hover a menacing demonic figure to depict him being consumed by his misdeeds. In contrast, another man is seen steadfastly climbing up the mountain, continuously approaching the top where symbolic doors to eternity await him. These doors represent Jesus Christ. The style of the image should bring to mind the techniques and iconography of the Renaissance period like chiaroscuro and religious symbolism. The art piece should respect Christianity and evoke a sense of devotion. Do not include any text or words.

Proverbs 24:16, setting is a mountain 2 men, one is on the floor consumed by his own sin being wicked and staying on his belly in the ground and a demon is over him (representing how he is consumed by his own sin and is wicked) other man is walking up towards the mountain still going to the top where the doors to eternity are Jesus Christ

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