James 4:7

A watercolor depiction of a serene and inspiring scene that symbolizes James 4:7 from the Bible: 'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.' This features a peaceful nature scene with a clear sky above, the sun gently peeking from behind soft clouds. A figure is seen humbly bowing in reverence towards the illuminating light, demonstrating submission to a higher power, while a shadowy figure is illustrated fleeing into the distance, representing resistance to negativity.

A watercolor depiction of a serene and inspiring scene that symbolizes James 4:7 from the Bible: 'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.' This features a peaceful nature scene with a clear sky above, the sun gently peeking from behind soft clouds. A figure is seen humbly bowing in reverence towards the illuminating light, demonstrating submission to a higher power, while a shadowy figure is illustrated fleeing into the distance, representing resistance to negativity.

James 4:7

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James 4:7

James 4:7

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James 4:7

James 4:7