Acts 3:6-7

A vivid watercolor representation of the biblical scene described in Acts 3:6-7. The scene depicts a man with silver hair and an unkempt beard, who appears to be of Middle-Eastern descent. He is extending his hand to another man, who has tanned skin, brown curly hair, ragged clothing, and is sitting down, appearing to be in distress. The setting is a bustling period cityscape, with varied architectural styles hinted at in the background. The painting captures the dramatic moment when one man assists the other to stand. The color palette is vibrant, with tones of blues, reds, and yellows.

A vivid watercolor representation of the biblical scene described in Acts 3:6-7. The scene depicts a man with silver hair and an unkempt beard, who appears to be of Middle-Eastern descent. He is extending his hand to another man, who has tanned skin, brown curly hair, ragged clothing, and is sitting down, appearing to be in distress. The setting is a bustling period cityscape, with varied architectural styles hinted at in the background. The painting captures the dramatic moment when one man assists the other to stand. The color palette is vibrant, with tones of blues, reds, and yellows.

Acts 3:6-7

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