Acts 3:6-7

A Biblical scene illustrating Acts 3:6-7, but with a twist. Picture a humble, South Asian man on the right, remnants of crutches fallen to the side, with a shocked expression on his face as he has just started to stand up. On the left is a Black man, arms extended towards the one standing, signaling he helped him up. His eyes, full of kindness and compassion, are locked onto the other man's. The atmosphere should evoke feelings of empathy and miracles. The visual style will echo the loose, flowing quality of watercolor, with colors blending and merging together organically.

A Biblical scene illustrating Acts 3:6-7, but with a twist. Picture a humble, South Asian man on the right, remnants of crutches fallen to the side, with a shocked expression on his face as he has just started to stand up. On the left is a Black man, arms extended towards the one standing, signaling he helped him up. His eyes, full of kindness and compassion, are locked onto the other man's. The atmosphere should evoke feelings of empathy and miracles. The visual style will echo the loose, flowing quality of watercolor, with colors blending and merging together organically.

Acts 3:6-7

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