Create a digital artistic rendition of Genesis 3:7, where Adam and Eve are realizing their nakedness and sewing fig leaves together to cover themselves. The depiction must be respectful and devotional in nature, emphasizing the spiritual gravity of the situation while having a digital, modern touch. The facial expressions should convey an understanding of newfound knowledge and its attached burden. Features such as the Garden of Eden in the background, with lush plants and vibrant flora, could enhance the context. Note: the image should not contain any text or words.

Create a digital artistic rendition of Genesis 3:7, where Adam and Eve are realizing their nakedness and sewing fig leaves together to cover themselves. The depiction must be respectful and devotional in nature, emphasizing the spiritual gravity of the situation while having a digital, modern touch. The facial expressions should convey an understanding of newfound knowledge and its attached burden. Features such as the Garden of Eden in the background, with lush plants and vibrant flora, could enhance the context. Note: the image should not contain any text or words.


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